Prayer To Ask God To Reveal Your Assignment

Prayer To Ask God To Reveal Your Assignment

If you want to be used by the Lord, you’ve got to be prepared to be stretched. You’ve got to be prepared to come out of your comfort zone. Your own family may not like it, so you’ve got to be prepared for that, but you will be blessed and rewarded for your obedience.

A lot of people just start by doing the land prayer assignments with me as an act of obedience to the Lord to pray over the land, the gates, and the water. Some of you have made a ministry of that going all over your state and doing them.

If you are not sure how God can use you  for this time, just pray this prayer.

Pray Out Loud

  • “Father God, I submit myself to You and Your plans and purposes. I want to be obedient to what I’ve been called to do for Your kingdom. I ask, Father God, through Your Holy Spirit, that You would reveal to me what my assignment is and that Your Holy Spirit would train me up to do it. I ask You to give me favor and boldness and the finances to do it. I want You with me all the way, Lord, like You were with Moses, like You were with Joshua and Moses, like You were with King David, and most of all, Father, like You are with Your Son, King Jesus. Be with me in this way with Your Holy Spirit. King Jesus, I believe You are within me, working within me, and I can do all things through You. I’m not afraid. I know that it pleases You if I am obedient, Father, and I know that You will work on my family members with Your Holy Spirit. Show me where to start, Lord, and I will take the first step in faith, and I know that You will take two, and You will direct my path, all for Your kingdom and glory, in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.”

If you prayed this prayer with me in faith, you have been activated. Begin to allow the Lord to show you. Some of it might not make any sense, but trust in Him. You may not feel worthy or perfect, but take imperfect action. Jesus will perfect it. Use these tools that we have for you. Learn how to take your seat of authority in Christ Jesus and suit up in your armor of God. You’ll be fine. We’re here to support you, love you, and encourage you through all of it. 

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